This Week in Review!! First real bath at exactly 2 weeks. Nana helped! Since then Graham has had 2 more and a shower.
The Austin family came to meet Graham. Thanks for all of the fun guys! Hope you had some luck in the swim suit department! Target was a blast, we'll have to do it again soon.
Shauri sent this great new outfit. Thanks!! Graham wore it on his first trip to the scrap booking store with Nana and Mommy while Matthew was napping. Graham didn't even know he had gone. He slept through the whole trip!
Lastly, a little video. Poor lighting and I didn't catch the beginning of the action. He has done this three different times in the last two days. Hopefully I'll actually catch the whole move soon. We know this is a fluke, but think it's funny.
My amazing nephew!! Way to go, baby Graham - I'm so proud of you. =) Can't wait to see you, hopefully Sat.
Love, love, love,
Oh wow that's my nephew!! I can't wait to meet you, baby Graham. Lindsay, Zach and I have been thinking about you guys a lot and are looking forward to hugs and kisses in just a few more weeks. I'll call you when we get back in the country, to talk about the likelihood of a quick Memphis stop. Matt, (this is Zach) interested in bow fishing?
Love you
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