Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers


Quote of the Week:

Isabella was waiting for Mama Jan to get out of surgery in Memphis. All three kids had been sitting in the waiting room for several hours when Belle piped up with:

"Mama, I'm as hungry as a jaybird!"

She gets those cliches a little confused sometimes. We love you Belle Belle Britches!


Sometimes We Make Life This Hard!
It's really hard to see but there is a beaver behind that second chain-link fence. He was trying with all his might to chew through that fence. The interesting part was that even if it was possible to get through that fence, there was another one right there in front of him. I wonder if this is what I look like to God sometimes. I'm trying with all my might to achieve some goal that isn't really going to lead me anywhere, but boy I'm going to grind my teeth down to the nubs trying. I'm really not going to get anywhere without HIM! So I'm going to stop grinding my teeth and let Him lead. Thanks for the little reminders, over the weekend at the zoo, of your glory God!


I Must Be Rich.....
I just finished popping a bag of corn to enjoy while watching TV because my wonderful husband is working nights this week. I was so excited until I opened the steaming bag and found nothing but blacken burnt popcorn....Well, I threw that bag in the trash and started over. This time I took the bag out 1 minute before the timer went off. Opened that steaming bag to find seven count them 7 popped kernels. Well, I ate each of them savoring each buttery bite. Then I proceeded to the freezer to finish off the carton of vanilla ice cream. Yes, I have been on vacation from my awesome job at TARGET for the last two weeks. But, unfortunately as of today I am no longer being paid until I actually show back up for work. Funny how that works.... I tell this crazy story not to brag about the amount of money we are making these days, but to thank God that we have never wanted for anything. The last two years we have spent jumping not only from state to state but from job to job. Most of the time not having a single lead in the new town. Only because of God's mercy and grace have we been able to go out on a limb and follow all of our dreams for a fantastic reliable career. All we want is to praise him for his love and protection that He has so graciously poured over us since selling the farm and starting a new life. We have been blessed far more than we deserve. My prayer is that we will be able to pay all of this forward to some other family in need in the near future. Tonight I also pray for those who can't throw away the burnt popcorn because it's the only food in the house. I am reminded to be grateful for what I have. How about you?


"GiGi No Like You No More!!!"

Lil was having a bad day:(

summer 013
Originally uploaded by hornerfarms

Mom and Dad's Anniversary Present
All the kids went together and bought Mom and Dad a gallery wrapped painting of this family picture. They loved it and I thought I would share because it turned out much better than I imagined it would. We were able to buy the package at our local Best Buy. Then you just upload your favorite photo and six weeks later it shows up at your door. We had a great time taking the pictures and planning it without Mom and Dad knowing. At the time Nick and Caroline were the only ones living in Little Rock. Luckily Cassandra and Zach were the only ones living out of state. The funniest part was that we all showed up for dinner at Mom and Dad's that night in our brown shirts. They were clueless! "Everybody always dresses the same in the south,you know." I always loved when Mom dressed us the same for church. Can't wait to do that with my own someday, smocked dresses and all. I am so glad that our family is growing so big, but what's awesome is that we have remained so close. God has been so faithful and his grace is more than any of us deserve. Well I'll leave you with a slide show of the rest of the fun that day......


(you have to sing the title)

Our State Fair Is A Great State
Fair.... Don't Miss It Don't Even
Be Late... Boom,Boom,Boom....
Well it isn't really "our" state, but my Dad used to sing this over and over every time the Arkansas State Fair rolled into town. Ahh memories!! Matthew and I spent the morning at the OKLAHOMA STATE FAIR! It was so much fun!! Funny how you think it will be so much cheaper than say....Disney World. Some how you always spend more than you anticipated.

We split:

  • a whole roasted ear of corn, husk still in tacked.
  • A lemonade
  • A NON-authentic Gyros
  • An Italian Sausage w/ onions and peppers( I know, your all thinking Lindsay ate peppers and onions??What)

We saw:

  • Sheep being sheared!! (Mom: Sorry I didn't get any pictures, but I thought of you!)
  • 4H was showing their Cows (I think they were spray painting their hooves)
  • Pigs squealing
  • Square Dancers
  • Antique Tractors
  • Lots of cowboy boots
  • Baby Chicks (We actually watched them hatching out of their eggs!)
  • Talked to a guy for a long time about a hot tub (ask Matthew about that one)
  • Got a card for a FREE newly revised Bible

All in all a great day!!! On our way out we found authentic Greek Gyros so we ordered two to go. I didn't have to make dinner!!!


Already Missing These Crazy Kids!!

This was the weekend we found out we were leaving for OK.
Look at those precious tan babies!!
Pap and Tanner having a blast at Mama Jan's house.Tanner holds his breath and swims under water all by himself!
Way to go 2 and a half year old.

Even Easton enjoyed the sun.

Matthew made an awesome lunch and all the kids had a great time. Thanks Mom and Dad for making the trip. What great memories. David came up the night before to eat pizza, but Saturday was move in day at ASU. Wish that Nick, Caroline, Cassandra and Zach had been there too.


Finally in Business!!

Mom, aren't you so proud? This is my new dinning room. Won't be eating at this table the whole time we are in OK.

I finished my very first "taggie." Sooo ExCiTeD!! I am also working on decorative burp rags for a craft show in November. Can't wait!!

The back is a very light purple chenille. The front is a printed lime cotton. Love it!!!! I am so glad that my mom was able to share her talent and love for crafts with me. I like to think I'm blessed with the same talent. Thinking about naming my crafts for contact info....Lindsay Lou and Babies Too....What do you think? Have anything better??? Have a great day everyone!!

**Update 3:52pm I finished EIGHT today!!!


To My Husband On His First Day of Work for the Next Twenty-Five Years.......

Thank you for the risks you have taken these past two years to provide a future for us as a family. Thank you for being brave even when you didn't feel like it. Thank you for working so hard and studying so much to get another degree. Thank you for working so hard filling out packets and packets of paperwork. Thank you for having faith even when mine was falling short. Thank you for making my many breakfasts and lunches this last year. Thank you for washing all of that red and khaki and not mixing it together! Thank you for working so hard to pass physicals and eye exams and jumping through hoops... Thank you for the desire you have to do the right thing. You are the best and I wouldn't trade this adventure for anything. We are truly blessed, praise God for that.