Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers



The girls at Hillcrest gave us the best shower on Sunday. I didn't realize that I missed everyone so much until I got to just sit on the couch and chat after the shower. I stayed 2 hours after it was over. Thanks Mel! I'm sure you had other things to do... I want to give a big shout out to KJ and Sammie for the awesome wedge. It has made sleeping so much better. A HUGE thanks to Torre for the punch. I'll be drinking that all summer! All of the hostesses were so awesome to take the time to bless our sweet boy. I can't wait to use all of the precious gifts we received. I'm working on unpacking it all today. We will be using it all very soon so I better get it organized. I am still feeling great, but have started to get a little bit of ankle swelling this week. I have upped my water goal to a gallon a day. It is very difficult on the days I work, but I can tell a big difference on the days I don't make the goal.


Danna Ramsey said...

Honey, you have no idea how we've prayed for you! Glad to find your blog.

Dallas said...

So glad to catch up! Congrats on your pregnancy and upcoming birth of your baby. I will looking at your blog regularly to see if he has made his appearance!